Friday, September 14, 2007

Another distressing tactic

Hi again
I have noticed that the spam sites are now consistentley blocking the back arrow and in order for you to leave the site, you must exit the window.

If you stay on the site for too long a graphic video pops in the empty screen.

I have noticed this takeover now for about a month. It may have been going on longer but I did not notice it.

Please read my previous posts about disabling the navigation bar to protect the readers of you blog.

I am going to re-enable the navigation bar on this blog so that it is easy to find for people who may be searching on how to protect all their hard work.

Try posting your objections in a civil manner in discussion groups but do not post the url of any offensive blogs. I suggest that just having Blogger eliminate the "Next Blog" feature may be sufficient. But I am a newbie and have a lot to learn.

When I have time I will try to find out if Blogger is doing anything to end this or if we have to police ourselves and become vigilante bloggers!

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